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2012 Annual Merit Review Proceedings

Basic Energy Sciences — Hydrogen Storage

These presentations and posters from the Basic Energy Sciences session at the Annual Merit Review in May 2012 are available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs.

Overview of the BES Hydrogen Storage Activities, John Vetrano, BES

Basic Energy Sciences Presentations

  1. From Fundamental Understanding to Predicting New Nanomaterials for High-Capacity Hydrogen Storage, Taner Yildrim, NIST
  2. Novel Theoretical and Experimental Approaches for Understanding and Optimizing Hydrogen-Sorbent Interactions in Metal Organic Framework Materials, Yves Chabal, Wake Forest University
  3. Design and Synthesis of Chemically and Electronically Tunable Nanoporous Organic Polymers for Use in Hydrogen Storage Applications, Hani El-Kaderi, VCU
  4. Atomistic Mechanisms of Metal-Assisted Hydrogen Storage in Nanostructured Carbons, Nidia Gallego, ORNL
  5. Elucidation of Hydrogen Interaction Mechanisms with Metal-Doped Carbon Nanostructures, Ragaiy Zidan, SRNL
  6. Synthetic Design of New Metal-Organic Framework Materials for Hydrogen Storage, Pingyun Feng, UCR
  7. New Pathways and Metrics for Enhanced, Reversible Hydrogen Storage in Boron-Doped Carbon Nanospaces, Peter Pfeifer, UMC

Basic Energy Sciences Posters

  1. Novel Molecular Materials for Hydrogen Storage Application, Maddury Somayazulu, Carnegie Institute of Washington
  2. Energy Storage in Clathrate Hydrogen Material, Carolyn Koh, CSM
  3. Hydrogen Caged in Carbon - Exploration of Novel Carbon-Hydrogen Interactions, Angela Lueking, PSU
  4. Complex Hydrides - A New Frontier for Future Energy Applications, Vitailij Pecharsky, Ames Laboratory
  5. Atomistic Transport Mechanisms in Aluminum-Based Hydrides, Jason Graetz, BNL
  6. Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Metal and Complex Hydride Nanoparticles, Chris Wolverton, NWU
  7. Computational Studies of Hydrogen Interactions with Storage Materials, Chris Van de Walle, UCSB
  8. Discovery of a New Species in the Hydrogen Chemistry of NaAlH4 by In Situ NMR, Mark Conradi, WUSL
  9. Activation of Hydrogen with Bi-Functional Ambiphilic Catalyst Complexes, Tom Autrey, PNNL
  10. Heavy Cycloadditions: Reactions of Digallene with Cyclic Polyolefins, Philip Power, UCD
  11. Ammonia-Borane: A Promising Material for Hydrogen Storage, Larry Sneddon, University of Ottawa
  12. Ammonia-Borane under High Pressure, Jiuhua Chen, FIU

To locate posters and presentations from other meeting sessions, go to the main page of the 2012 Annual Merit Review Proceedings.